Negotiating and Mediating


How can I influence conflicts, plans and problems in such a way that everyone wins?


Negotiation refers to a number of activities that resolve conflicts and build teamwork. Direct negotiation is something that leaders engage in to resolve conflicts and come to decisions and agreements. Mediation is negotiation with a third party assisting in the process. Leaders who are superb negotiators and mediators enhance relationships, make effective agreements and facilitate the development of a smart organization that learns effectively.

What to do:

1. Preparation ­ Think about your goals for the negotiation from many different points of view, including your own. Develop your BATNA. (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement)
2. Framing ­ Establish trust and a cooperative climate, agree on ground rules, agenda and evidence for success in the negotiation.
3. Discover Problems, Outcomes and Deep Values ­ Ask questions to discover problems, outcomes and deep values - in other words, do Leadership Counseling. Ask "What does that do for you?" to help find the values that outcomes may fulfill. Turn any demands into options.
4. Generate Options ­ Use creative thinking to come up with options.
5. Decisions ­ Design an agreement from the options for a multiple-win agreement. Summarize agreements, establish an action plan with time frames and accountability. Agree on consequences of violation.
6. Action and Follow Up ­ Put actions on your calendar! Follow up on agreements, build long-term relationships. And implement consequences as needed. Go into action in the world.
For a more detailed look at this method of negotiation and mediating, look at the
VBL Negotiation and Mediation Chart.

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