Daily Self Examination


What discipline can I engage in on a daily basis to continually enhance my leadership skills?

The Method:

1. Look Inside: Get calm, relaxed and focused internally. Give thanks and experience gratitude for your life.
2. See Clearly: Activate your ability to see yourself clearly, objectively and without self-deception.
3. Review: Replay key situations from the past day.
4. Express Yourself in Action: Mentally express your own values and fully express your true self.
5. Find Patterns: Focus on important themes, patterns, values and values violations. Pinpoint special moments or key conflicts.
6. Deepen Your Understanding: Determine problems. Find patterns. Decide on outcomes.
7. Imagine a New Future: Ask: "How can I improve?" Imagine improvements in your thinking and actions. Picture a new scenario for the situation the next time it happens. Mentally rehearse.

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