Community Spirit

Community spirit is a group attitude characterized by deep trust, active participation, high hope, mutual respect, a feeling of belonging and lots of fun. These qualities create intensely positive relationships.

In the absence of a community spirit, people desire stability in their tasks, wanting to do only what they are good at, resisting change.

With a spirit of community, people invite changes in the task aspects of their job. Community spirit enables people to envision new futures, to risk failure, to increase productivity, to quickly get over hard feelings, and to tolerate the inevitable mistakes associated with innovation.

When we walk into an organization that has this spirit there is something amazingly attractive and energetic about it. There is a hustle and bustle, an enthusiasm for learning, working and being together. Everyone knows there is great work to be done. People are motivated to provide extraordinary service to customers, suppliers and one another.

Regular group activities rekindle and intensify the spirit of the group. This community spirit is a fundamental pre-requisite for developing high group intelligence and for bringing about organizational learning.

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